TCT No.: T-88437
Residential / Agricultural - Others
Php 257,000.00
Lot 2 Blk 1 Psd-193638, Nabulao, Sipalay, Negros Occidental
LA: 183.00 sq. m.
Disclosures |
The Title / Tax Declaration (TD) covering the property is still in the name of the previous owner and the buyer shall undertake all activities in order to cause the transfer of the TD/title from the registered owner and assume the payment of all taxes and other charges and expenses necessary or incidental in effecting the transfer of the TD/title from the registered owner to the buyer. |
Asset Management Department, Room No. 211, 2nd Floor, Five-Storey Bldg.
5306-3417, 5306-2915, 5306-2196, 5306-3422